Cyber Security - Our Service Summary

Cyber security refers to the use of People, Process and Technology designed to protect networks, devices, programs and data from attack, damage or unauthorized access.

Do you have the People ? Process ? Technology ? to detect and block an attack!


Cyber Crime is a generic term that refers to all criminal  activities done using the medium of communication devices,  computers, mobile phones, tablets etc. It can be categorized  in three ways:

  1. The computer/mobile as a target – attacking the computers of others.
  1. The computer/mobile as a weapon- Using a computer to commit
  1. “traditional crime” that we see in the physical world.
  1. The computer/mobile as an accessory- Using a computer as a “fancy filing cabinet” to store illegal or stolen information.

 Please contact us further consulting and quotation for the services.

Image Source: Freepik